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Quality Engineering and Validation Consulting Services

Providing the following services:

* ISO 9000, 9001, 9002, Millennium   *  QS, GMP, QSR, other CFR, and NRC
 *  Industrial Hygiene, fed. & Cal. OSHA *    Design Ctrl and Eng. doc. & Xfer. 
*  FMEA, FTA, Design Dev. and Hazard Analysis  *   Document / Design History File development
*   MRP / ERP system development & implementation *  SPC / SQC and statistics (clinical, manuf., R&D
*  Metrology and other Calibration services *  Preventive and Emergency Maintenance Plan
*  Validations (equipment, process, PLC, sftwr., etc.) *  Other services
Just some of the things I can do for your company:
1. Reduction in Quality Costs.  2. Enhancement in Quality Practices.  
3. Enhancement in Research Techniques.  4. Reduction in wasted labor and material.  5. Satisfaction of Federal and Local Government compliance in your company.  6. Introduction of new technologies, techniques and innovations.
7. Increase in speed, safety and efficiency


Eleanor S. Field, PhD - Director, A Center For Change & Professional Associates in Clinical Hypnotherapy (PACH), Clinical Psychologist and Author, Marriage & Family Therapist Hypnotherapist. Dr. Elly will help you with:.
* Stopping Smoking * Depression * Mind-Body Healing * Weight Loss * Pain Management * Stress Reduction * Sexual Dysfunction * Addictions/Compulsions * Labor and Delivery * Sports Performance * Eating Disorders * Past Life Regression  * Exam Preparation * Divorce Recovery * Psychological Testing * Anxiety/Panic * Auto-Immune Disorders * Business Consulting



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