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Dr. Gordon conducts workshops and training about marketing.  He is also available for consultation about how to market. 

You always market yourself, your ideas, your values, or your knowledge.

By using Dr. Gordon’s service, you will learn: 

  • How to develop a new attitude toward marketing
  • The best behavior and language needed for marketing
  • How to relate to different personalities and how best to market to them
  • How to market instead of sell


  • Higher production levels
  • More profit
  • Empowerment to be more productive
  • Achieve marketing goals


It is very important to have a positive attitude toward marketing because if you start doing your marketing with a feeling of dislike, you will not succeed in your marketing.  You have to pass some roadblocks in order to create a positive attitude within so you can do good marketing. 

Spend between 25 and 30% of your income for marketing.  If your income does not permit that amount, have it as a goal.  As long as you do not have this amount of money, work on your marketing and spend more time than money by going out more, volunteering more, and being more accessible in the community.

Examine the way you do your marketing.  If you are using the same techniques and getting bad results, you will continue to get bad results.  If your results are just satisfactory, and you continue to use the same marketing techniques, take into account that the world is always changing, and this might cause you to create less than satisfactory results.

It is important to listen to what your client wants and not to try to guess what he is going to say.  Sometimes when we start listening to what our clients are asking us, we try to second-guess what they really mean and we miss their requests. 

Marketing does not finish when you start working with your client.  Marketing should continue to be an ongoing process once you have your client.  You should treat this client as if you were just marketing him.  You should continue to cultivate the relationship.

Treat your best client and a prospective client the same way, because a prospective client might become a future client to you.  However, you should know when to let go and do not put all your energy into a situation that seems futile.  Remember the 80-20 law in which you put 80% of your effort toward your existing clients and potential qualified clients, and 20% into the unknown clients.  Do not do the opposite, where you put 80% of your efforts into looking for a client whom you do not know to be qualified, and 20% into existing and potential qualified clients.

Nurture every relationship that you have and do not look only at the short-term.  When your marketing is focused only on getting your client tomorrow and not cultivating long-term relationships, you may get some clients tomorrow, but in the long run you will be without work.

It is very important to empower everyone who works for you so that they will be able to market for you as well.


If you are afraid of rejection, you have to work on your attitude toward rejection.  For example, knowing that cold-calling or even going to do marketing is something that makes you depressed when you do not succeed, start rewarding yourself with the parts that are unsuccessful.  If you do cold-calling and one out of 10 calls succeeds, forget the call where you succeeded because you know that you feel good about it, and put it aside.  Reward yourself for every time that you fail.  That will bring a complete change in your attitude. 


Do your networking only where you feel comfortable because that will bring out the best in you.  If you like to play golf, do your networking on the golf course.  If you like to go out to eat, take people to a restaurant.  If you like to play tennis, play tennis with them.  Find a common denominator and do your networking there.  Do not do things that only others like and you do not because you won’t be able to be at your best.  If you don’t like golf, for example, don’t play just for networking purposes.  If you like wine tasting, go to wine tasting events.  If you like the theater, go to plays, the symphony, take classes, and be active in drama organizations.  Join a spiritual organization, or take classes where you can excel.  This will bring out the best in you and you will get an opportunity to meet people who will appreciate your services.  If you like a certain organization and you cannot afford membership, start volunteering and they may give you a membership discount.  Be consistent in going to the same organization so people will start recognizing you and know what you do. 

When you go to your networking organization, always be in a positive mood with a smile on your face.  If you are not an extroverted personality, prepare questions to start a conversation.  All the questions should be based on the words of “how, what, or where,” like “How do you like this place?” “What brings you here?” “What do you do?” “Where do you live?”  However, never have a question starting with “Why?”  Usually a “why” question might put the other person on the defensive, and you want to create a more amicable situation.  A question that starts with “why” might make the other person feel attacked.  Always have small conversation prepared in your head, or your “elevator speech.”

An “elevator speech” is a phrase that is characteristic of you and distinguishes you from other people.  If somebody asks you what do you do, have one sentence ready.  This is the sentence you would say in an elevator if you only had time for the elevator ride. This is the attention span that most people have and will not remember more than the one sentence.  For example, my elevator speech is, “I teach individuals and organizations how to replace stress with productivity and profit.”  If I have more time, I have another sentence in which I say, “I also teach how to turn conflict into agreement.”  Be sure to convey in your elevator speech your uniqueness.  Don’t just tell what you do in one word, like “I’m an engineer,” or “I’m a lawyer,” but stress your uniqueness and tell as much as possible in that sentence.

If you go to a network activity with someone from your company, split up so that you talk to as many other people as you can, and not just to each other.  If you are together and you meet somebody you know, introduce your partner with a compliment, saying, “This is my partner (or employer), the best mediation lawyer I’ve worked with.”  Let your employer or your partner say something complimentary about you and what you specifically are doing, for example, “This lawyer is wonderful at negotiation, and that’s why I hired him.”

When you give someone a business card, give more than one card and say, “One card is for you to remember me, and the other two cards are for people who you might know and will need my services.”

Find out what people like about your competitor and provide it to your clients.  Ask a person you are networking with who uses a competitor why he uses the competitor and what you can surpass in your service and have him work with you. 


An internal function of marketing is rewarding yourself.  If you bid on a job and you do not succeed, reward yourself for the one that you did not succeed in and take for granted the one where you succeeded.  Another technique is if you are bidding on 10 jobs and you succeed in getting only one, divide your profit from the one job into 10 and remember that you actually made one-tenth of your profit on each of the jobs.  You did not have a losing job – you just made one-tenth of your income on each job that you won, or on each sale that you executed.  If you try to sell a gadget, and out of 10 calls you sell only one and you make $1,000, amortize your profit at $100 for each call



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